Learn How To Capture Stunning Photos

Attend all the online workshops without any additional fee
Learn the End-to-end Process
From camera settings, techniques, composition to editing
You will be able to
capture beautiful photos
and convert them into remarkable artwork.

Learn how to capture the beautiful sunrise/sunset in our
Advanced Landscape
Photography workshop
You will learn how to decide the right camera settings for Landscape & Cityscape photography. No more shooting in Auto Mode.
You will be able to create a compelling composition that tells a story.
Not only that, but you will also learn some of the most advanced techniques to edit your photo and create your style.
Learn how to recover an overexposed sky using
Bracketing and Digital Blending techniques.
Learn how to enhance the colour of your photo
without oversaturated and overcooked the photo in Post-processing.
Learn how to creatively combine multiple photos into a single image to
create a unique and interesting photo.

Learn Time Blending technique to merge photos from Blue Hour and Sunset/Sunrise to
produce a colourful sky and a more outstanding subject.

Astrophotography Workshop
Learn how to photograph our beautiful galaxy
You will know how to plan, compose, capture and edit the Milky Way photos.
Also, using various techniques to bring out the
details and the colours of the Milky Way

Learn how to use the right camera settings to
capture a lesser noise photo with high ISO.
You will be able to perform various noise reduction techniques that help to
improve image quality to produce a cleaner image.

(Above photo was captured using ISO 12,800)
The workshop also includes teaching
Star trails photography
Learn how to compose and capture multiple photos of stars.
Then merge them into beautiful star trails.

Long Exposure Black & White
Photography Workshop
Learn how to capture artistic architecture photos
You will know how to capture the Long Exposure effect
using slow Shutter Speed.
Then, convert your photos into
beautiful Black and White artwork.

You will learn how to use ND filters to smooth out water or
adding a motion blur effect to the clouds.
Also, how to see and capture a minimalist composition that
focuses on your subject's lights, shapes, and details.

Enhance the highlights and add different tones to your photo to create an impactful result.
Don't have any photos? No worry!
We provide you with our RAW photos and PSD files to practice what you will learn from our workshops.

Also, you will receive a Photoshop Actions Pack from us to ease you in editing your photos.
Learn to use

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Lightroom Classic
Luminar AI
*Editing Software are not included
Watch the REPLAY of the workshops
Can't make it on the workshop date?
All the workshops will be recorded and shared in the private group.
You can watch the video anytime later and
post your question in the group

Countinue your learning at our
Weekly FB LIVE Sharing Session
Where we extend the learning and go deep into different photography techniques.

We answer our members' questions and perform LIVE demo to produce a better result using our members' photos, helping our members to understand better.
After that, we shared out the edited PSD file with our members for their reference purpose.

Like our workshops, all the LIVE sessions are also recorded
You can start your learning immediately
once you sign up and claim your lifetime membership.
Our Masterclass Community also comes
You can post your photos there and receive guidance to improve your photos.

We have been providing feedback and advice
to more than 300 photos.
"I have benefited a lot from Grey's classes. They are very details, and he is a very passionate teacher."
What our students say...
"Grey will comment on our photo and point out where we should improve, and then we know where our problem is."
"After months of attending his classes, I can say for sure my skills has definitely improved. No regret in joining his classes."
Photos from our students

Your Coach: Grey Chow

Grey Chow is an award-winning travel photographer based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Passionate in Travel, Landscape and Astronomy photography.
His extensive portfolio of nature, architectural, and landscape work is impressive and has been published on different media in various countries.
He is an experienced instructor. He has been hosting workshops and taught hundreds of students. He has also collaborated with brands like Leica, Nikon, Sigma, NiSi, LeoFoto, and Oppo in photography projects, talks and tours.

We teach you how to take beautiful photos like these


Register now for a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP
With only a 1-time Payment, you can learn for a lifetime.

Or you can message me at Grey Chow Photography if you have any questions.